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Eastern Contra Costa County
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 11:49:50 PST
From: Roy Carlson

Following up on several recent reports, I went to a couple of sites in eastern Contra Costa County yesterday. On Delta Road just east of Knightsen, there was still at least one Yellow-billed Magpie by the road on the north side near a house. At the corner where the road makes a 90-degree turn left toward the Holland Tract, there was a mixed flock of blackbirds in the field on the left with a few Yellow-headed Blackbirds included. At the Holland Tract itself, the fog didn't burn off until mid-morning, and I could hear flocks of waterfowl and cranes overhead. Once it did burn off, many flocks were seen flying over. There were two separate flocks of 30+ Tundra Swans with several more smaller groups. There were many overflights of Canada and Greater White-fronted Geese, but I didn't see any Snow or Ross's. There were several small groups of Sandhill Cranes flying over, with numbers ranging from 3 to 8. One flock of 5 did land in the fields far to the north of the road about a mile past the bridge leading into the Tract. At about the same spot, a very large mixed flock of blackbirds were in the fields and in the roadside trees. There were 35+ Yellow-headed Blackbirds in it.

Next, I went to Round Valley Regional Park and hiked up the Miwok Trail to the spot where the Lewis' Woodpecker(s) have been seen. Just past the point where the Hardy Canyon Trail heads up the hill to the left, there is a green gate in the fence on the right. The trail from the gate leads to a row of oak trees. The Lewis' Woodpecker was in the first half-dozen trees. Also seen on the hour or so hike there and back to the parking lot were a Golden Eagle, Western Bluebirds, Red-breasted Sapsucker, and a coyote. Other hikers reported seeing a bobcat on the Hardy Canyon Trail the same afternoon.

Roy Carlson
San Carlos, California

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American Redstart in Alameda
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 11:57:11 -0800 (PST)
From: Vijay Ramachandran

This Monday (December 25) evening, I went looking for the American Redstart in Alameda. After much looking, and lots and lots of Yellow-rumped Warblers, I managed to see the redstart for a few brief moments in the fading sun light. It was in the bushes behind the tennis courts.

There were also 2 Townsend's Warblers in the same area.

Good birding,

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King Eider at Point Reyes, missing BirdBox info
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 20:01:33 PST
From: Brian Fitch

This is for those of you who are missing the Northern California BirdBox and not receiving this info from other sources.

Today, Karen and I followed up on the report of King Eider at Point Reyes National Seashore. We ran into Steve Abbott by the Oyster Company road and he said the bird had been just below the Ranger's residence at the Fish Docks, as well as Harlequin Duck and Long-tailed Duck nearby. I found the Eider around 9 AM off of the easternmost pier among Surf Scoters, and the bird remained in the area until we left at noon.

It's a first winter male, slightly larger than the scoters, medium brown with a paler chest and a dull orange "eider" beak. It preened and roosted for hours before finally beginning to feed around midday.

A Red-necked Grebe was just beyond the commercial dock, the drake Harlequin Duck was on the offshore rocks at the far northeastern tip of the Chimney Rock peninsula, three Long-tailed Ducks were west of the commercial dock, and Jay Withgott and crew found an Ancient Murrelet just offshore east of the commercial dock.

Does anyone out there have any info on the Black-backed Wagtail in Alviso? I'm only on these two e-lines and would appreciate any feedback on regional rarities until the BirdBox is restored.

Brian Fitch

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Hooded Merganser, Common Moorhen
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 15:09:45 -0800
From: Polly Boissevain

On Friday afternoon December 29th, there was a pair of Hooded Mergansers on the east pond at Newhall Park in Concord. The pond is the one nearest the parking area near the east end of Turtle Creek Road.

Friday morning, at Mountain View Sanitary District, Martinez, a Common Moorhen in the northwestern-most pond, adjacent to Hwy I-680 (with the windmill at the north end). Mountain View Sanitary District is off the Pacheco Blvd/Arthur Road exit from I-680. Go east on Arthur to the end of the county-maintained road (just south of McNabney Marsh). The only bad news about this birding spot is that it is open only during the week, when the Sanitary District is open during business hours.

Happy New Year Birding.
Polly Boissevain

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Point Reyes road closure
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 15:30:48 PST
From: Kathy Robertson

For those of you planning to look for the King Eider at Point Reyes this weekend, beware that effective Saturday 30 December (and thru mid-April), Sir Frances Drake Blvd will be closed to private vehicles beyond the South Beach turnoff from 9 AM to 5:15 PM on weekends and holidays. During those times, the only way to get to the Fish Docks or Lighthouse will be by shuttle bus. For more info see:

Kathy Robertson
Hayward, CA

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American Redstart and others in Alameda
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 17:13:51 -0800
From: Kay Loughman

This afternoon I had good views of the American Redstart on Bay Farm Island (Alameda) - in the large deciduous tree to the left of the entrance to the parking lot. In the same tree, in addition to other species, I found lots of Yellow-rumped Warblers (both Audubon & Myrtle), at least four Townsend's Warblers, and one Orange-crowned Warbler.

Kay Loughman

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