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Lewis's Woodpeckers in Round Valley Regional Park
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 08:27:19 PST
From: Otto Haubensak

Yesterday morning, Sunday, December 17, two Lewis's Woodpeckers were sighted in Round Valley Regional Park (eastern Contra Costa County). They were observed for a good 5 to 7 minutes stuffing acorns into tree crevices and then pounding them in with their bills. If you have a map of the area or a GPS receiver the UTM coordinates of the sighting are: zone 10 S 0607727 and 4191323.

If this does not help, the sighting was in a grove of mature valley oak trees on the north east side of Round Valley itself which is in about one and a half miles in from the trail head on Marsh Creek Road. As you enter the Valley, it becomes obvious. Keep to the right going north. You'll see the oak trees.

Otto Haubensak

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Long-tailed Ducks were in Alameda County
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 09:50:59 -0800
From: Don Lewis

Oops! I agree with Mike's request for county identification, mainly because I'm continually getting interested in things on CalBird, only to finally figure out that a sighting was 400 miles away. Then I go and forget to do it.

The Long-tailed Ducks were in Alameda County, city of Berkeley.

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Long-tailed Ducks, Pacific Loon
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 15:27:19 -0800
From: Bob Brandriff

East Bay Birders, Clyde and Joelle:

These two Long-tailed Ducks were still present this morning about 100 yards north of the west end of the Berkeley Pier. Closer to shore, between the pier and the marina breakwater, there was a Pacific Loon, one of the species not reported at the Christmas Bird Count dinner.

Driving back along University Avenue I saw two Snow Geeese, an eighth of a mile west of intersection with Hwy 80.

Bob Brandriff
Berkeley, CA

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Oakland CBC preliminary results
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 07:23:00 -0800
From: Mike Feighner

East Bay Birders:

Here is a report of the Oakland Christmas Bird Count that just went out over Peninsula Birding (San Mateo County) and CalBird lists.

Mike Feighner, Livermore, CA

Oakland CBC Preliminary Results
Tuesday, December 19, 2000 6:37 AM
From: Clyde Morris
To: CalBird

Sunday, December 17 was fair but blustery in some of the upper East Bay hills. We divide the area into 30 sub-areas and some groups reported "higher number of species, but fewer individuals," and other groups reporting just the opposite. We'll have to wait until the data is entered and crunched into the computer before we know how this year's numbers stacks up to previous years.

The unofficial species total (rare/unusual birds yet to be reviewed) is 180, with approximately that many human participants. Interesting or unusual birds seen on the count include:

2 Northern Pygmy-Owl (not seen since the mid-80s but regular before then)
American Redstart (an adult male in the same location as last year's 1st-year American Redstart on Bay Farm Island, Alameda)
Tufted Duck (Lake Merritt, Oakland)
Brant, Long-tailed Duck (Berkeley waterfront),
Snow Goose
Lesser Yellowlegs (Oakland Airport; in a closed-to-the-public area, but something to look for if you happen to be taxiing on the runway)
Glaucous Gull & Surfbird (Emeryville Crescent [between Bay Bridge and Powell St])
Hermit Warbler & Black-throated Gray Warbler (University of California - Berkeley)
Nashville Warbler (Dunsmuir House & Gardens)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Lafayette Reservoir)

The following commonly seen species were "missed," so if you happen to see these during "count week" (Dec 14 to 20), please e-mail the compilers at

Pacific Loon
Eurasian Wigeon
Thayer's Gull
Barn Owl
Rock Wren
House Wren

Joelle Buffa and Clyde Morris

Posted to EBbird by Mike Feighner

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Hayward-Fremont CBC
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 14:57:07 -0800
From: Mike Feighner

East Bay Birders:

I am forwarding the following e-mail from Ed Pandolfino regarding the Hayward-Fremont Christmas Bird Count in Alameda County. I believe the lake referenced in the e-mail is Lake Elizabeth, as Lake Cunningham is in San Jose off of Tully Road, location of the adult Lesser Black-backed Gull.

Mike Feighner, Livermore, CA, Alameda County

Hayward-Fremont CBC Alameda County
Tuesday, December 19, 2000 11:12 AM
To: countylisters From: Ed Pandolfino

County Listers

I don't know if the compiler, Phil Gordon, is planning an email posting on this count, but here are a few species of possible interest to county listers.

Steve Glover found 2 Surfbirds and 2 Pacific Loons in the north Hayward Shoreline area (Hayward Landing for the Surfbirds). He also had Brandt's Cormorant.

I found 2 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers at the base of the big rock at the first parking area in Coyote Hills and we had two American Bitterns in the Coyote Hills Marsh (the southern part, south of the entrance road). We rarely get one - I think two might be a new record for the circle. Of non-tickable interest was a Red-naped Sapsucker X Red-breasted Sapsucker we found in Ardenwood Park.

Both Ross's Goose and Snow Goose were reported at Lake Cunningham in Fremont.

Ed Pandolfino

Posted to EBbird by Mike Feighner

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