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The EBbird e-mail list is back
Sat, 07 Oct 2000 18:43:16 -0700
From: Larry Tunstall

Hi EBbirders,

The new and improved EBbird e-mail list is functional (if you're reading this).

Last week, Best/Verio discontinued their e-mail list services without even notifying the list owners. However, this did provide the incentive for me finally to activate my own domain name and find a better ISP. The list is now hosted by and so far I've been delighted with their friendly and helpful service. Even if we have to switch ISPs again in the future, the addresses shouldn't be affected.

The website is still at the old address for now, although you can reach it in a single click from

Sorry it took me so long to get all this done. We now have over 150 subscribers, so just typing all the names and addresses took a while! The list of subscribers is not available publicly, and I do the website archive manually so that your e-mail address is not on the web. (Of course, if you post a message, everyone on the list will get your address.)

This list server is considerably more sophisticated than the old one. It has four modes:

FEED mode: Each message will be sent to you as soon as it is posted to the list.

DIGEST mode: Each morning you will receive a single message containing all of the previous day's postings.

INDEX mode: Each morning you will receive a brief message with just the subject lines of the previous day's postings - if anything interests you, you can read it on the website archive.

NULL mode: You won't receive anything. Use this setting when you go on vacation, so you stay listed as a subscriber (I know you haven't lost interest or moved away).

As before, "REPLY TO:" is set to the sender, not the list, so you need to enter the list address manually if you want your reply to go to everyone. Only subscribers are allowed to post to the list.

It probably will take some time to get all the many options fine-tuned, so let me know if you have suggestions or problems. As soon as things seem to have settled down, I'll draft and send out a set of more complete instructions about the list.

Meantime, let us know if you've seen any good birds in the East Bay!

Good birding, Larry

Subject Index

Rails at Coyote Hills?
Sat, 7 Oct 2000 20:09:28 PDT
From: Gail DeLalla

Greetings birders,

Has anyone ever seen either Clapper Rail or Black Rail at Coyote Hills Regional Park in Fremont?



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Birdbox transcriber needed
Sat, 7 Oct 2000 21:05:00 PDT
From: Collin Murphy

Dear EBbirders,

Arthur Feinstein has asked me to post a "Volunteer Wanted" notice for a replacement for Doug Shaw as Birdbox transcriber. No one has been doing this important task since the latter part of September. If interested, please e-mail me in care of

Thanks, Collin Murphy

Subject Index

Editor's Note: These transcripts are the source of the historical records of rare bird sightings found elsewhere on the EBBC website. They are an important resource for future birders and for those studying changes in bird distributions.

Golden Eagles of Devil Mountain
Sun, 8 Oct 2000 13:58:11 PDT
From: Mark Rauzon

I am pleased to announce the publication of the children's book Golden Eagles of Devil Mountain which I wrote. It is generalized life history of eagles in the East Bay hills, set at Mt Diablo, but based on the Round Top birds. The eagles raise a chick that fledges during a fire, flies to the wind farm, is injured by a turbine and recovered because it carried a radio transmitter. The book is based on the study conducted by Dr Grainger Hunt in the Livermore hills, where there are more Golden Eagles per acre than anywhere else on earth.

It is a 48-page Wildlife Conservation Society Book published by Franklin Watts. ISBN: 0-531-11787-1 (Library binding). Order through a local bookstore or

Thank you,
Mark J. Rauzon

P.S.: This submission approved in advance by the list moderator.

Reply #1    Subject Index

Children's birdwalk leaders needed in Richmond
Sun, 08 Oct 2000 15:31:37 -0700
From: Lisa Viani

Hi, I am putting in a plea to all East Bay birders again. Several people very generously donated old binoculars, so thank you again! Now, I am asking for a "donation" of your birding skills!

The Urban Creeks Council is working on a riparian restoration project in Richmond's Booker T. Anderson Park. As part of that project, we are trying to develop a stewardship program around the creek at nearby Stege Elementary School. I am looking for volunteers to spend a Friday afternoon or two (actually one hour per Friday) during November to help take some second graders out to the creek and teach them how to watch birds. We are going to try to do some informal "before and after restoration" birding surveys with the kids. Even though the creek is in an urban setting, it is quite close to the Bay, and I've seen quite a diversity of birds there.

And if you don't have any time to spare, here is another plea for donations of old (but working) binoculars - I can give you a tax-deductible receipt / thank you letter.

Please contact me at 510.237.7968 if you can help in any way. Thanks very much!

Lisa Viani

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