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Least Terns
Wed, 19 Jul 2000 15:20:56 PDT
From: Helen Green

Paul and I checked out Least Terns about 11:30 AM [at north end of Albany Mudflats near Central Ave in Richmond]. I could see 3 downy young, all younger than the one seen on 20 June. These were being fed by adults flying in. One of them tumbled down the bank on the north side about 2 feet, but it quickly righted itself and climbed back to the top. There was a lot of "air" activity, possibly young chasing about after adults? There were 5 to 6 adults still sitting as if on nests. The colony seems to have spread east along the mound since we first saw it on 27 May.

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Hummers still at UC Botanical Garden
Wed, 19 Jul 2000 18:19:41 -0700
From: Tom Condit

The UC Botanical Garden [in Berkeley] is still alive with hummers of several types. New summer hours keep it open until 7 PM.

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Thu, 20 Jul 2000 12:08:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: Deborah Brusco

As I was driving west just past the San Mateo Bridge toll plaza yesterday around 9:50 AM, I saw a large white bird flying on the north side near the bridge which had the head (black bill and face) and neck of a swan - I'm guessing a Tundra Swan.

Debbi Brusco

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Albany local interest
Thu, 20 Jul 2000 18:28:37 PDT
From: Brian Fitch

This morning on the landfill fields at the foot of Buchanan St in Albany, there was a Loggerhead Shrike sitting on a shopping cart. Out on the bulb (the end portion of the peninsula) were 3+ Spotted Sandpipers, and on the last rocks facing the Golden Gate was a Wandering Tattler, still in alternative plumage.

Brian Fitch

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Fwd: Ringed Turtle-Dove at Big Break
Fri, 21 Jul 2000 13:13:30 -0700
From: Larry Tunstall

This message came to me. I assume it was intended for the list.

Subj: Ringed Turtle-Dove
Date: 07/20/2000 10:16:03 PM PDT


I saw a Ringed Turtle-Dove (a [presumably escaped] cage bird) on the first telephone pole at Big Break Regional Trail, Oakley, Jordan Lane trailhead at approximately 9:30 AM today while on an East Bay Regional Park District trip.

Jean Lucken, GGAS

Posted to EBbird by Larry Tunstall

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Re: Falconer's lost Prairie Falcon
Sat, 22 Jul 2000 13:59:11 PDT
From: Mark Rauzon

In a message dated 7/22/00 1:46:44 PM, Randy Bausch writes:

Mark - I got my bird back!!! I wonder if that was him that you saw on Tuesday???

After having pretty much given up all hope by Thursday, I got a call from a falconer (unknown to me) out in Brentwood - and he had my bird - amazing! It seems that someone out in Brentwood saw the bird on the ground on Wednesday and picked it right up. He was hungry and obviously wanted to be fed. That person took it to an avian vet out in Oakley, who then called this local falconer to care for it. He fed the bird and then checked the California Hawking Club web site where the bird was listed as lost. He called me and we made a positive ID over the phone, based on the braided jesses that he was wearing!

I am really glad that his little adventure had a happy ending - please pass the word on to whoever you know in the area who was keeping an eye out for him - I have had an amazing response from people who have seen birds or have just offered their help. Thanks for all of your help - I got many calls from the Dimond Park area - there is a family of Coopers' Hawks there with several babies that look a lot like my bird. I also followed up leads in Concord (which may have actually been him) and Mill Valley.

Anyway - I am really convinced of the power of the internet - without it I probably would never have found him.

Take care - Randy

Posted to EBbird by Mark Rauzon

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Hayward Regional Shoreline
Sun, 23 Jul 2000 20:28:59 PDT
From: Bob Richmond

Seen today at the Hayward Shoreline

Eared Grebe - 5 pairs of adults with young
Blue-winged Teal - 5 (2 males, 3 females)
Lesser Scaup - 3 females with ducklings
Black Skimmer - 1

Seen today at the San Leandro Marina

Wandering Tattler - 2
Surfbird - 2

Good Birding

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Hayward Shoreline - West Winton Ave
Sun, 23 Jul 2000 23:21:16 -0700
From: Sheila Junge

The following were seen at Hayward Regional Shoreline today in the mudflats offshore between Hayward's Landing and Sulphur Creek: Red Knots still in breeding plumage, Black Turnstone (1 or 2), Semipalmated Plover and Snowy Plover (1). A Red-shouldered Hawk was on the wires outside the park entrance. To reach Hayward's Landing either take the trail west from the West Winton Ave parking lot or take the trail west along the north side of the flood control channel just outside the park entrance. From Hayward's Landing go north along the bay to Sulphur Creek (first bridge).

Good Birding!
Sheila Junge
Hayward, CA

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