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More Brooks Island
Thu, 29 Jun 2000 05:37:43 PDT
From: Steve Glover

Hello all,

Yesterday I spoke with Steve Bobzien of the East Bay Regional Parks District who, along with 4 others, surveyed the massive Caspian Tern colony out there on 14 June. They estimated 1,200 pairs! That is even more than I would have imagined.

Amongst them they found 4 California Gull nests, one with chicks. This is the first nest record of California Gull for Contra Costa County. They saw no sign of Black Skimmers which we keep hoping will someday nest out there.

Good birding,
Steve Glover
Dublin, CA

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Bird Art Exhibit at Hayward Shoreline
Thu, 29 Jun 2000 20:43:11 PDT
From: Peter Dramer

With Larry's blessing I would like to assist the Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center by announcing an upcoming exhibit of bird art by local artist Dana Gardner.

The title of the exhibition is "From the Tundra to the Tropics". Dana has illustrated many field guides of world birds including Costa Rica, Wallacea and Singapore. He is currently working with Jim Clements on a guide to Peru. The display will include bird portraits and scratchboard drawings from California and around the world.

There will be an Artist's Reception: Sunday July 9, 1-4 PM, at the Interpretive Center. Dates for the exhibit are July 9 - October 21.

Regular hours for the Center are limited to Saturdays and Sundays from 10 AM - 4 PM. The Hayward Interpretive Center is located at 4901 Breakwater Ave, Hayward (510-881-6751). Directions are: from Highway 580 take Highway 92 west toward the San Mateo Bridge. Take the Clawiter exit (last exit before the bridge). Breakwater Ave is the frontage road that parallels 580 on the north side.

A good friend of Dana's created a web site for him so if you would like to learn more about him or preview his work you can do so at

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