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Evening Grosbeak
Wed, 24 May 2000 12:28:44 -0700
From: Bob Brandriff

East Bay Birders:

I just got a call from my wife; a female Evening Grosbeak has been coming to the feeders in our front yard all morning long. Feel free to drop by....


(510) 548-1504

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Ibis in Oakland
Wed, 24 May 2000 17:12:13 -0700
From: Courtenay Peddle

Hello folks,

On Wednesday afternoon, I saw seven White-faced Ibis on freshwater pond #2 (the middle one) at Mitigation Marsh, Martin Luther King Regional Shoreline in Oakland. Perhaps they are part of the group seen earlier this week at Hayward shoreline. (Truth be told, they could have been Glossy Ibis! I would have trouble telling them apart.) I'm pleased to be able to add this bird to my Oakland list.

Also at the marsh Wednesday, I saw my first Black-necked Stilt chick of the season. A Willet is still at Arrowhead Marsh, resplendent in breeding plumage.

On Monday, I saw my first clutch of Mallard ducklings, 13 of them following mama on pond #2.

Good birding,
Courtenay Peddle

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Re: Evening Grosbeak
Wed, 24 May 2000 20:21:21 -0700
From: Mike Feighner

Bob, Barbara, and East-Bay-Birders:

This afternoon I made it to the Brandriffs' in Berkeley and saw after a half-hour's wait the female Evening Grosbeak which I observed off and on with Barbara over a 45-minute period.

The date of this sighting is interesting not only for its "lateness." I observed a male Evening Grosbeak at my feeder when I was living in Los Gatos. The timing is quite similar as it arrived on 26 May 1988 and stayed through 30 May 1988. This was at the time (and likely still true) the latest winter record of Evening Grosbeak in Santa Clara County. I would assume this would also be the latest winter record for Alameda County.

Mike Feighner, Livermore, CA

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Hayward Shoreline
Wed, 24 May 2000 20:59:37 PDT
From: Bob Richmond

Today at the Hayward Shoreline the following was seen in the fenced-off ponds:

2 pairs of Black Skimmers - at least 1 appeared to be on a nest. They are visible from the public trail in the Forster's Tern Colony.

The Arctic Tern that is paired with a Forster's Tern. When in flight it also may be seen from the public trail in the same tern colony as the skimmers.

A pair of breeding-plumage adult Eared Grebes were seen with 2 recently hatched chicks. This is only the fourth nest record in Alameda County. Eared Grebes also nested here last year.

Good birding

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Re: Evening Grosbeak
Thu, 25 May 2000 07:47:03 PDT
From: Steve Glover

Hello all,

Surprisingly there are a couple of later records for Alameda County for Evening Grosbeak. Three were at Oakland 30 May 1973 and what I assume to be the same birds lingered to at least 13 June 1973.

There is also a Contra Costa record for 5 June 1961 at Lafayette.

Steve Glover
Dublin, CA

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Summer Tanager
Fri, 26 May 2000 07:23:52 PDT
From: Phil Gordon

Greetings East-Bay Birders,

This report is about a Summer Tanager in Alameda County.

Thursday 25 May at about 11:30 AM a female-type Summer Tanager was observed by Alice Hoch, Vi Saima-Barklow, Gilbert Yee, and myself (Phil Gordon) in the Gardens of the Shinn Park and Arboretum of Fremont. This is the site of a new Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden established by Ohlone Audubon Society. It will be Dedicated on Thursday 8 June, 2 to 4 PM. The Park is on Peralta Blvd (which is State Hwy 84) one-eighth mile west of its diagonal intersection with Mowry Blvd, which connects State Hwy 880 (Nimitz Fwy) and Mission Blvd. This is in the Centerville District of Fremont.

This ocraceous yellowish-brown bird had a darker, rusty breast band. It may have been here a week, since an unidentified call had been heard earlier. It was perched on and flying around the rose arbor in front of the Victorian Mansion. The Park is open to the public during daylight hours, but Weddings or other events are scheduled on all Spring and Summer weekends, which would present complications to birders. Best time would be early before most of the public arrive.

Happy Birding

For questions about the Tanager or the Garden call Phil Gordon at (510) 538-3550.

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Re: Evening Grosbeak
Fri, 26 May 2000 12:07:10 -0700
From: Bob Brandriff

Steve, East Bay Birders:

Well, we'll do our best to entice this bird to stay around for a while! It is still here today and seems to spend a lot of time sitting towards the top of the Dawn Redwood in our front yard, only intermittently coming down to the platform feeder.

Bob Brandriff
Berkeley, CA
(510) 548-1504

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