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Hayward Shoreline
Fri, 5 May 2000 12:18:39 PDT
From: Bob Richmond

I was in the ponds that are off-limits to the public, doing a gull/tern/skimmer count as part of their colonial waterbirds survey at Hayward Regional Shoreline. In the colony of at least 552 Forster's Terns, the Arctic Tern and a Forster's Tern appear to be a mated pair again this year. The Arctic Tern was making a nest scrape in the same spot as last year's nest. No skimmers were present today - up to 2 have been seen here. A Black Swift was also seen over the east end of the ponds. The terns may be seen from the public trail if you are in the right spot.


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Sat, 6 May 2000 13:51:03 -0700
From: Emilie Strauss

This morning there was a Brant feeding in the bay adjacent to the Emeryville Crescent near the Bay Bridge toll plaza. To reach this location, head towards San Francisco on Highway 80. Take the last Oakland exit, then make a sharp right on an unmarked exit, which is the first right-hand exit you can take. Take the old frontage road about one-half mile until it deadends next to the boarded-up old radio headquarters painted red with three large towers next to it. The Brant was foraging on eelgrass just to the north of the site (Alameda County).

Yesterday, a Clapper Rail was calling on the Point Isabel to Richmond segment of the Bay Trail near the Bayview Avenue trail access (Contra Costa County).

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Some Mt. Diablo birds
Sat, 6 May 2000 20:34:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Armstrong

We hiked from the Juniper Camp parking lot to Eagle Peak and back at Mt. Diablo today. Some of our sightings:

Lark Sparrow
Acorn Woodpecker
Ash-throated Flycatcher
Lesser Goldfinch
Lazuli Bunting
Western Bluebird
Oak Titmouse
White-throated Swifts
Red-tailed Hawk
Bewick's Wren
California Thrasher
Sage Sparrows (2 - seen north of Eagle Peak on the ridge trail)
accipiter sp.
Spotted Towhee
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Nutall's Woodpecker (heard only)

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Briones Regional Park
Sat, 06 May 2000 22:04:13 -0700
From: Tom Condit

Saturday afternoon, May 6, Marsha Feinland and I took a walk up the Alhambra Canyon Creek trail at the northeast corner of Briones Regional Park. The rain kept most birds down, but we did have a good view of a Golden Eagle being hazed by two crows. Other birds: Bushtits, scrub-jays, Red-winged Blackbirds, one Brown Creeper, lots of invisible singers from the bushes.

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Richmond Marina Bay
Sun, 07 May 2000 10:15:58 -0700
From: Neil Whitehouse

Yesterday - Saturday 6 May - Lina Prairie and I saw a Wandering Tattler at Marina Bay in Richmond. It was located along the south shore of the marina. The bird was in full breeding plumage.

From the new Bay Trail segment at Albany we saw about 12 Whimbrel, 2 Least Terns and lots of close views of summer-plumaged Western Sandpipers.

Neil Whitehouse

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Blue Grossbeaks and Cassin's Kingbirds
Sun, 07 May 2000 11:12:25 -0700
From: Mike Feighner

Alameda County and San Joaquin County Birders:

Here are two recent BirdBox reports from Adam Winer's transcript:

Alameda County:
Today, May 6th, BLUE GROSBEAKS were along Patterson Pass Road at
mileposts 2.94, 4.96, and 6.91. (RC)

[ . . . ]

San Joaquin County:
Today, May 6th, a CASSIN'S KINGBIRD was by I-5 at the Tracy Golf
Course. From I-5, exit for the golf course, but immediately take the
cloverleaf back onto northbound I-5; the kingbird was on the east
side with two Western Kingbirds. (RC)

Many have placed this golf course in the past on I-5, but it's actually I-580. I-580 and I-5 spit just south of these golf courses. In the past the Cassin's Kingbirds have shown up here at the golf course west of I-580, but according to this report it seems this is the other golf course east of I-580.

Mike Feighner, Livermore, CA

[Editor's note: "(RC)" indicates a report from Rich Cimino.]

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