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Fwd: [SBB] Yellow-headed Blackbird at Fremont Lagoons
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 11:13:59 -0800
From: Mike Feighner

-----Original Message-----
Subject: [SBB] Birds
Thursday, March 30, 2000
From: Nick Lethaby
To: South Bay Birds

I checked the Fremont Lagoons yesterday. A surprise was a Yellow-headed Blackbird in the Tricolored Blackbird flock. It never flew into Santa Clara county while I was looking at it, but it must at some stage since the blackbird flock feeds on the dump.

There were 2 Glaucous Gulls (1st winter and 2nd winter) there. More interesting was a leucistic adult Herring Gull.

Posted to EBbird by Mike Feighner

Subject Index

List on autopilot for a week
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 11:16:21 -0800
From: Larry Tunstall

Hi EBbirders,

The list will be running on autopilot for a week. Messages will be distributed as usual, but they won't get posted to the website until about April 7.

Good birding, Larry

Larry Tunstall
El Cerrito CA

Subject Index

Summer Tanager
Fri, 31 Mar 2000 11:37:46 -0800
From: Alan Kaplan

As of 11:15 AM, Friday, March 31, 2000, the Summer Tanager previously reported from the Tilden Nature Area was still behind the Junior Ranger Lodge (uphill and to the left [north] of the Little Farm corrals), around the pond behind the building, in the eucalyptus and pines there. Nearby were vocalizing Ruby-crowned Kinglets, and in the pines and eucalyptus were Yellow-rumped Warblers (Audubon-type).

On Wednesday, a Red-breasted Sapsucker (daggetti) was observed in these same eucalyptus, at freshly-drilled holes and drilling more.

Alan Kaplan

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