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Hayward Shoreline Landmarks
Sat, 08 Jan 2000 20:01:37 PST
From: Peter Dramer

For those whom I left in the cold without proper directions here is a walking tour of the Bay Trail at [the northern part of] Hayward Regional Shoreline.

Beginning at the end of West Winton Ave, just before the residence, there is a paved trail that will lead you directly out to the Bay. The flood control channel here on the left of the paved trail, has no name. At the end of the trail as you continue out onto the point of land extending into the Bay you will be standing at Hayward's Landing.

From there, walking north on the Bay Trail, on your right you will pass the grassy knolls with the radio towers. These knolls are a favorite place for the geese during the winter. Currently, a Short-eared Owl has been favoring the knoll closest to the trail. This usually in the afternoon between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM. The towers will sometimes have a Peregrine Falcon.

Beyond the knolls you will pass a shallow water pond area. At times this area may not look like much, but on a high tide uncountable thousands of shorebirds will roost here. On an afternoon high tide with the sun behind your back the viewing here can be extraordinary. This pond is known as Frank's Dump West.

At the north end of Frank's Dump you will cross a stream - Sulphur Creek.

Across Sulphur Creek you will find an extensive marsh - this is Oro Loma Marsh. Oro Loma, a recently reclaimed tidal marsh, has proven to be a tremendous bird magnet. Continuing north on the Bay Trail you will come to the Oro Loma Bridge which spans the breach feeding tidal flow into the marsh. For the past month a male and female Eurasian Wigeon have been at the bridge each morning.

Continuing north you will come to another stream course - this is Bockman Channel. The wigeons will frequently relocate here when they have been disturbed.

Continuing, you will pass the Oro Loma Sanitary Facility to arrive at the next stream - San Lorenzo Creek. During the winter there is often an Osprey off-shore.

This bridge marks the northern boundary of Hayward Regional Shoreline. The marsh on the north side of the bridge belongs to the city of San Leandro. The paved trail on the south side of San Lorenzo Creek leads out to the Grant Ave parking area.

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Encounter with Great Blue Heron
Sun, 9 Jan 2000 17:32:27 -0800
From: Judy

I was driving around Alameda Point (the former Naval Air Station) looking for a 3 bedroom rental and a Great Blue Heron flew right in front of my car and watched me from the lawn. I hadn't realized how large they are until I saw one so close. There are still hundreds, maybe a thousand apartments that are standing empty out there. The houses are mostly rented by now. The heron I guess was "grazing in the grass."

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Benicia State Recreation Area, future Shoreline Park in Berkeley
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 19:22:51 -0800
From: Rebecca Freed

Today I birded the Benicia State Recreation Area [in Solano County] for the first time. It was a pretty good day, but nothing unusual popped up. Here's what I saw, in the order I could remember them.

Loggerhead Shrike
Northern Flicker
domestic geese
Lesser Scaup (there must have been some Greater Scaup, but I couldn't find them)
Northern Mockingbird
Anna's Hummingbird
goldfinch sp.
Golden-crowned Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Song Sparrow
American Coot
cormorant sp.
Clark's Grebe
Western Grebe
Ruddy Duck
Western Meadowlark
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon race
Black Phoebe, one feeding on the ground
American Robin
Common Goldeneye
Turkey Vulture
House Finch
Oak Titmouse
Western Scrub-Jay
American Kestrel
Snowy Egret

During a short walk through the future Shoreline Park [Eastshore State Park] in Berkeley, I saw

lots of Surf Scoter
American Kestrel
Horned Grebe
Aechmophorus grebe sp.
Ruddy Duck
scaup sp.
Common Goldeneye
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Great Egret

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Short-eared Owls at Hayward Shoreline
Fri, 14 Jan 2000 16:25:35 PST
From: Otto Haubensak

Today at about 11 AM a pair of Short-eared Owls were sighted at Hayward Regional Shoreline. They were roughly 200 yards west of the radio towers [north of W Winton Ave] with a large group of Canada Geese.

The owls were very accommodating. I enjoyed their company while I had my lunch.

Otto Haubensak

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